Our Projects - short description


A private license for gold prospecting and exploration was issued in 2020 in the north-east of Zimbabwe.

A gold-bearing reef (quartz vein) with a thickness of 0.3-0.7 m was found in the central part of the site.

In accordance with the topographic features of the relief , the length of the mineralized zone can reach 3 km .

The gold content in the reef varies from 5 to 25 g/t and is determined from several samples after crushing, milling and washing of ore material.

According to some information, industrial lithium grade are noted within the license.

Enclosing rocks is represented with granite, gneiss granite.

Quartzite, quartz shists and conglomerate are found in outcrops 1.5 km to the south.

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Big area in Eastern Siberia with good perspectives of discovery of Au deposits in stockworks. And more - there is highly possible will be discoveren Mo and Cu porphiry deposits as well.

First stage of exploration as regional mapping, geochemical and geophisical works is done.

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Eastern Kazakhstan is well known as very rich of many deposits of gold, copper, Pb-Zn and other commodities.

In spite of a lot of country's area is covered by exploration and mining licences, there is still possible to find ineresting place where new discoveries can be made.

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